Budget Brakes Safety Reminder: Dealing with In-Car Distractions

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Budget Brakes knows that some driving distractions are unavoidable. A spilled drink, rowdy children, or digging in a purse or bag for entry keycards can distract even safe drivers.

Still, the key to safe driving is keeping your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. Having a passenger who is capable of handling distractions and allowing them to do so is the safest way to keep driving safely. If that's not possible, though, simply pull over and handle your distractions off the road.

Budget Brakes wants all of its customers to be safe while driving, but unavoidable driving distractions are common. Instead of trying to remedy the situation while driving, simply pull over. This advice applies equally well to handling emergency phone calls, food or drink spills, unruly children, and applying makeup. No arrival time is worth risking your life, your family's lives, and the lives of other drivers on the road in order to save a few minutes.


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