Top Signs to Get Your Brakes Checked NOW by Budget Brakes, continued…

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The most obvious indicator that your car’s the brakes need attention is an incredibly high note squeal when trying to stop. Brake lining manufacturers include a small piece of metal called an indicator on the pad itself. If it reaches the point where there is less than ¼-inch left, the metal sound from the brake rotor makes a pretty good impression of fingernails on a blackboard. Depending on your driving pattern, this usually means you should replace your brake pads within a month or so. Call Budget Brakes in Tennessee or Alabama to set up your appointment, or just drive on in.

Occasionally, the brake indicator will rust and simply fall off, removing the ability for you to hear the warning noises. In addition, aftermarket and low-cost brake pads do not all come with this type of a wear indicator. In this case, pay attention to other warning signs. If your car takes longer to stop than they used to, or if your brake pedal actually goes further down than before when stepping on it, it is probably a good idea to get your brakes checked out. Regular checks are a good idea and require a little more know-how to remove the tire and know what you’re searching for. If at all uncomfortable, come to Budget Brakes for a free inspection.

Brake rotors are more complicated because they usually last through two or three sets of brake pads before having to be replaced. If your steering wheel wobbles in your hands as you brake, your rotors are likely warped and it’s strongly recommended that you get them checked out.

Stay tuned for more!

Top Warning Signs to Get Your Brakes Checked NOW - Part 1

Friday, August 13, 2010

Just like our feet, the brakes in our cars go through some terrible pounding.

And just like our feet, when the brakes go, the car goes (literally).

Brakes take the abuse of stop-and-go traffic, both on local streets and traffic-clogged freeways. And as the abuse continues, the parts start to wear down more and more. Before you know it, your brake systems are shot. Don't be the victim of a brake system that needs to be fully repaired with a repair bill of about $400 or so.

But worse than losing money is the possibility of losing your life. The recent reported problems with Toyota vehicles shows the potentially devastating results when a car can't stop as you expect it to.

The good news is that a little bit of attention to some signs of wear on your brakes can save you a lot of money and headaches down the road.

Sign #1: Irritating Noise. This is going to sound obvious, but the first sign that there are problems with your brakes is some horrendous noise that pierces your ear. Sometimes it could be dust or sand. But most of the time that's your first warning sign that something's wrong. There's a small piece of metal on your brake lining called an “indicator” that is on the actual brake pad. When you hear that noise, get it checked out without hesitation; you likely have about 30 days left on your brakes.

Next blog post we'll examine other signs.