Braking Techniques 101 – Progressive Braking; a Tip from Budget Brakes

Monday, November 1, 2010

Braking sounds like an easy enough technique to master, but at Budget Brakes, we know only too well how easy it is to rely on ABS. With more and more people simply jamming the brake pedal to slow down, we at Budget Brakes want to help with some braking tips that’ll not only help you improve performance, but save money when it comes to helping extend the life of your brakes and suspension.

At Budget Brakes, we’re keen believers in “progressive braking”. It’s a really easy technique to master, and it’ll not only help you become more aware of braking, but it will also help other drivers around you know what you’re doing and prevent accidents too.

Progressive braking is as easy as it sounds. Instead of simply pushing the brake pedal as quickly as possible, the aim is to start with a very gentle push on the brake pedal until you feel the brakes engage. Keep your foot there and pause for a second then, counting as you brake, gradually build up pressure until you reach your desired speed or stop. Easing off the brakes should be the same process, but in reverse.

Combined with reading the road, progressive braking can save you a fortune on your Budget Brakes service bill. The benefits of progressive braking are that it pre-loads the suspension, warns other road users early and it helps your brakes last longer – meaning fewer trips to Budget Brakes for new pads.

With promotions happening all the time, at Budget Brakes we are always ready to take a quick look at your vehicle. If you think you have braking problems and want us to take a look at your brakes – come by and we’ll see what we can do.


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