The Technical Side of Wheel Alignment

Friday, October 1, 2010

At Budget Brakes, we specialize in precision wheel alignment that ensures your car operates within the manufacturers specifications. With specialist equipment and technicians, we aim to fix major wheel alignment issues before they even become a problem.

It’s true that in a perfect world, no one should ever need to get their wheels re-aligned and re-balanced. The reality however, is that as soon as you go over a relatively severe bump, or if you drive aggressively, then wheel alignment becomes more of an issue, because over time – your suspension’s characteristics begin to change which result in wheel alignment being necessary.

A common misconception is that wheel alignment is some sort of adjustment Budget Brakes technicians perform to your wheels. Wheel alignment is in fact a service that’s performed using a special camera jig that attaches to your wheels, but the adjustment and changes are all to do with your suspension.

That’s why if you lower your ride height or make any changes in that area, you really should call in to Budget brakes for an alignment service. To do the job properly, our technicians need to use specialist computer-controlled equipment to measure and help us get your wheels adjusted precisely.

When adjusting your wheels, the goal is for us to ensure that wheels sit parallel to each other, flat on the road surface and are perpendicular. This involves adjusting the caster camber and toe-in angles to ensure that they’re adjusted not just by sight, but as according to the manufacturer’s specification and to the nth degree as we at Budget Brakes are committed to ensuring our wheel alignments are done as precisely as possible.


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