Budget Brakes Safe Driving: Driving During Dust Storms

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Parts of the world, including the Southwest United States, frequently experience long droughts which create the perfect conditions for dust storms. Dust storms can significantly reduce visibility and create a driving hazard. Budget Brakes has prepared several tips for driving during dust storms to help keep you and your family safe.
• Just park your car. Dust storms usually only last a couple of minutes, so you can afford to wait it out. The denser the dust storm, the more important it is that you pull as far off the road as possible.
• Turn OFF your lights and hazard lights while you are pulled over. Cars approaching from the rear might expect you to be traveling on the road and veer off the road and into your rear end.
• If you can’t pull off the road to park, occasionally use your horn to announce your presence to other cars around you. Use the painted lines on the right or center of the road to help guide you at a suitable speed until you can find a place to park.
Budget Brakes hopes your family stays safe while traveling in areas where dust storms are prone to strike.


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